Project: ATO Front Line

Please mark “Project: ATO Front Line” as the purpose of your transfer if you would like it to be used for this project.
We are collecting donations in order to buy clothes, everyday supply and equipment for Ukrainian army and National Guard soldiers.

Years of neglect left Ukrainian army without any means for its soldiers to protect and organize their lives in an armed conflict.

Proper shoes, pants, thermal underwear, sleeping bags, cooking utensils, folding beds are needed sorely.

Every Euro you donate will help to bring Ukrainian soldier back home sooner and in good health.



2016-01-12: January 2016

2015-12-31: December 2015

2015-12-23: Project "Warm up a soldier"

Forwarding goods and presents to ATO

2015-08-01: August 2015

2015-06-15: June 2015

2015-06-02:  Uniform reserved

2015-04-30: April 2015

2015-03-01: March 2015

2015-02-10:  July 2014-January 2015

Pictures of our reports and deliveries from July 2014 to January 2015.